Curator: Amirali Ghasemi
Videos by: Mehraneh Atashi, Atousa Bandeh, Shirin Fahimi, Anahita Hekmat, Payam Mofidi, Bahar Samadi
Videos by: Mehraneh Atashi, Atousa Bandeh, Shirin Fahimi, Anahita Hekmat, Payam Mofidi, Bahar Samadi
As part of the dv_vd screening, a fruitful collaboration between Vidéographe and Dazibao.
In presence of the curator Amirali Ghasemi, Shirin Fahimi and Payam Mofidi.
In presence of the curator Amirali Ghasemi, Shirin Fahimi and Payam Mofidi.
In Tarigh-o-Shekl (Persian/Arabic: Study of Path and Form), Shirin Fahimi studies the formation of tarigh(path/border) and shekl (form/subject), interpreting them via a juxtaposition of geographical and geomantic lines to create a space outside of time where the two reach across one another. Tarigh-o-Shekl uses geomancy as a method to re-map the city with all of its existing spaces and routes. Geomancy interprets the markings on the ground—yet the ground is historical and may be extended to other forms of mediation, from paper to screen.